Dating scam, scammers? Have you ever heard about scammers? Who are scammers? it is network swindlers. They appear in an image of the person looking lovely with the purpose to squeeze as much money out of you as possible, giving nothing in exchange. Nothing except a broken heart and frustration, loss of money and trust... But who are these scammers? You will be surprised to know that the woman (you thought it was women?) wasn't a woman at all! Yes, in more than 95% of internet scam, scammers are young men, teenagers, students. Young males who use photos of beautiful girls to entrap you. They take photos (nowadays it is so easy to get anything on internet) of any nice girl who doesn't know about it and doesn't suspect that someone, using her name, is making acquaintances with the sole intention of scam and fraud.
Who falls victim of these scammers?
Mostly men of course. While occasionally even women, usually rich aged women. are victims. Such women fall into the trap of a scammer, especially if he sends her photos of a handsome guy and promise to be a caring husband and love her forever.
People who tend to become victims, usually get caught up on pretty (handsome) faces, sweet words and endless promises that, by the way, are too good to be true!. They believe that the person whom they correspond with has a serious intention to get married. Sometimes scammers can even send photos of so-called family, saying it is his or her mother or father - again false photos from internet and even false postal addresses or even passport copies.
From personal experience : correspondance with scammer
Sometimes - and we are talking of real experiences of our clients -a girl could give you a phone number of a tour agency or home-affairs office (in her small town) - and there will be somebody who will answer you, even in good English. Beware, as they too could be part of the scam - in reality such office or agency does NOT exist. People who answer you are part of this scam (remember, again and again, in most cases it is young males and their friends).