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The Millionaire Matchmaker on TV?

Millionaire Matchmaker is a television series produced by Bravo and presented by Patti Stanger. Stanger founded the Beverly Hills-based "Millionaire's Club" in 2000 to cater for wealthy men looking for partners. The premise of the series is to match single wealthy people, all claiming to be certified millionaires, with potential spouses.

Patti Stanger, the founder of an elite matchmaking service in Los Angeles, attempts to help wealthy men and women find the mate of their dreams.

On the series premiere of The Millionaire Matchmaker, the world is introduced to Patti Stanger, a third generation matchmaker who is the founder and CEO of the Millionaire's Club, an exclusive service designed to match successful men to their prospective wives. Patti is armed with not only an elite pool of millionaire clients, but also a database of women holding some of nature's most coveted characteristics beauty, brains, and class. Helping her millionaires find true love are Patti's office team featuring Destin, her office manager and right-hand man, Chelsea, the Vice President of Matchmaking, and Alison, Millionaires Club Rep in Sales. Every week, Chelsea and Alison bring Patti two new potential clients, and in the premiere episode, millionaires Dave and Harold are looking for love. Patti arrives at Harold's sprawling mansion and gets straight to business. She quickly finds out that although Harold is in his early forties, he desires women much younger. Patti believes this is one of the main reasons he is still single and sets out to find him a match. She predicts that after working with her, Harold will begin to realize that if he listens to her and starts picking age-appropriate women, he will find true love. Patti is also working with "Sex Toy" Dave. She learns that Dave has made his fortune as an entrepreneur in the adult sex toy industry. The built-in stripper pole in his living room is the first clue that Dave is a playboy at heart whose partying days may not be over. Patti tells him that he's sending the wrong signals if he really wants to settle down, but she's willing to work with him. An open call to find the perfect match for each of her millionaires yields some unsatisfying results. Frustrated by the poor turnout, Patti demands that her staff find "the 10s." At the VIP event at the Hollywood Race Track the following day, the staff has pulled together an impressive bunch and the millionaires choose their dates—Dave chooses a petite brunette with a Harvard education and Harold chooses a gorgeous model. During a romantic dinner, Dave seems to have chemistry with his date and even a visit to his pad, stripper-pole and all, which doesn't seem to bother her. Harold and his date enjoy a sunset boat cruise, but the age gap between them takes its toll and they have a hard time connecting in conversation.

At the Millionaire's Club's headquarters, Patti reviews DVDs of her two new clients, Jeff and Julien. Patti pegs Jeff as a "wannabe" aging rocker, while Julien seems to be quite the catch. A face-to-face meeting with each guy will help Patti diagnose the real problem they are having in finding true love. At Jeff's house, Patti is pleased to discover that Jeff is a sincere guy looking for love underneath his hard rocker exterior. Patti promises to find a true love for her "diamond in the rough" millionaire, but he'll have to agree to a makeover to update his appearance before she'll send him on any dates. As Patti drives up to Julien's house, she is shocked to learn that although he is a millionaire, Julien has chosen to live in a "chateau ghetto" with two of his college roommates. Julien is attractive, wealthy and a nice guy, but Patti is brutally honest when she tells him that no woman will ever take him seriously "living in a dump like this." Julien is open to Patti's suggestions. Before meeting any potential matches, Jeff must undergo a mini-makeover from Jen, one of Patti's stylists. Patti and Jen rip apart Jeff's closet and convince him to lose the studded jeans and try a slightly more modest look. Jeff reluctantly agrees and even promises to shave the "landing strip" on his chin. A gorgeous Japanese restaurant in the Hollywood Hills is the location for a high-end mixer where Jeff and Julien get to mingle with a handpicked pool of women. In his new attire Jeff seems perfectly at ease, and it doesn't take long for him to make a connection. Julien, on the other hand, shows Patti one of the other reasons he has had trouble in the love arena – he is completely awkward around women and never seems to say the right thing. Patti calls in Dr. Shannon Fox, a relationship expert, to meet with Julien to counsel him on his social awkwardness. In their meeting, Dr. Fox realizes Julien has a fear of going out of his comfort zone and encourages him to "try something new." He agrees to try and let go of his old habits. On his date at a quiet wine bistro, Julien is nervous, the conversation is minimal and his date looks uncomfortable. The only relaxed conversation Julien has is with the waiter…in French. Meanwhile, Jeff takes his date to a castle in northern California for an evening of wine tasting. She's thrilled to be in the company of such a fun-loving millionaire. All rights reserved.