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What's is the first website catering specifically to "Millionaire Dating and wealthy men dating" - relationships between millionaires wealthy, successful singles, beautiful singles or attractive singles. In any such a relationship, at least one individual is wealthy, rich or successful. In short, this is a dating website which caters to singles who possess and care about two important qualities - namely, WEALTH and BEAUTY.

WEALTH - As the saying goes "Money Makes the World Go Around". Some people work very hard to make money in order to survive. It is not hard for us to see that those who are wealthy also holds power, commands respect and enjoys a lifestyle of constant pampering. At, we believe wealth is a an important element in seeking relationships. Over 40% of all marriages end in divorce because of money or the lack thereof. Love and financial stability are both very important foundations of a lasting relationship. So as they say, why have love only, when you can have love and wealth?
BEAUTY - Beauty is a quality that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, affirmation, meaning, or goodness. A beautiful person is one who invokes powerful feelings of attraction and emotional well-being. It is not surprising that all of us dream of being with a model, beauty queen or a Hollywood actor. Our website is also designed to cater to beautiful & attractive people, with the main goal of match-making those with beauty with those with wealth.

On this millionaires dating club, you will meet the following quality singles:
Millionaire: Someone who has a net-worth of over $1 million. For our website, this also includes anyone who makes over $150k per year.
Wealthy Men: A wealthy, rich and successful single man who has a net-worth of over one million dollars or makes over $150k per year.
Wealthy Women: A wealthy, rich and successful single woman who has a net-worth of over one million dollars or makes over $150k a year.
Attractive Singles: attractive single man, who may not be very wealthy, but wants to date a Wealthy or beautiful partner.
Beautiful Women: beautiful single girl, who may not be very wealthy,but wants to date a Wealthy or beautiful partner. All rights reserved.