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How to get rid of scammer

1) He wrote to her that he had some friends from Russia who will contact her. This alone scared 'her' off so her letters became very infrequent and just in parrot repetitition about 'dear, try send me money this month as 'I can take vacation this month only.' And she described in most delightful words how they would meet each other at the airport in his town, how he will pick up her suitcase and they will walk together - forward to their everlasting happy marriage. What dishes she would cook , how he would enjoy it. How she wants to be near him and hug him... etc etc... No matter what, she loves him so much and wants to be with him.

Of course, reading such lines especially from a lovely, young lady, the heart of any man will melt under impression of such words of 'beautiful young girl who in reality is a feelingless man, a predator.....a brutal man who not only makes huge holes in a romantic man's budget but breaking their hearts too,.....perhaps forever.

2) In the next email he wrote her that 'don't worry, dear' I wll send money but with my freind from here. He is going to Russia and I asked him to visit your city and to meet you so that he can give you money and my generouos presents.. I hope you will like it. After this email he never heard from her again. Which again proved that - it was a SCAM.

Some tips: if you wish to find out whether the girl is REAL or not, and if you painlessly want to get rid of scammer, you SHOULD:

a) tell 'her' that you have Russian friends and they want to correspond with her in Russian.

b) tell 'her' that you are planning to come to Russia to meet her. Best if you ask her to make invitation etc. (if she replies that she would rather come to meet you in your country or in any other country, continue to insist. Tell that you always wanted to visit Russia and would prefer to meet her parents and/or relatives. And again ask for invitation. If she is real and serioius about you, she would be happy to hear that. Maybe she won't manage to make invitation but at least she will try. And she will find out about accommodations, tours etc.

c) ask her to use webcam. And to show you her parents or relatives. (sometimes it might not work though - her internet connection if she lives in small town may possibly be too slow. Or she don't have webcam or her computer is incompatible). But at least give it a TRY.

d) If she asks for money, tell her 'that your friend is planning to visit Russia and will bring money along'. e) in some of your letters, just 'by the way' mention that your friends also corresponded with ladies (dont' say from Russia, say from any other country) and mention that the agency warned him that she is possible scammer. Pretend to be naive, ask her what that could mean and what recommendations she can give. All rights reserved.